My favourite Articles of the Week in Product Management & AI

What I enjoy reading this week and shoutout to those authors

Filipe Rigueiro
3 min readFeb 24, 2022
Finding the best ideas — illustration by storyset

Every week I read a lot of medium articles and I like to compile a list of my favourites and give some love to the great authors that spend the time researching and writing interesting content. Usually, I read about product management, startups and software development and Artificial intelligence.

Here is the list of what most enjoyed this week.

How to Measure User Value in Three Easy Steps

by Kristin ZibellLink to article

As a product manager, my job is to create value for users, find new opportunities to add features and make sure the product solves an actual problem.

Kristin Zibell compiles steps on how to measure the value of a product proposition from the users' perspective, it is nicely written and clear with examples of how your point of view might be different from the users. Here is a great quote.

Value is entirely intrinsic to our users. We have no say in what’s truly valuable to them and why. Only users know what is valuable to them.

The Most Important Metric for Machine Learning Models

by Wafiq SyedLink to article

Machine learning is a buzzword at the moment and everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon. Even though is well known that most machine learning projects never reach production in companies.

Wafiq Syed understands this and distils reasons that a machine learning model fails to be implemented or create an impact. How to align a complex technical project with what a business needs or wants. Here is a quote

The true measure of a model’s success is how it impacts the business.

Create a Multi-Page App with the New Streamlit-Option-Menu Component

by Sharone LiLink to article

I love streamlit, it's an easy and powerful framework that lets you create beautiful dashboards and pages with simple components.

But as with anything streamlit has limitations and the main one is the early stage of some of those components. That is why I was very excited to read the title of Sharone Li article, I instantly saved it and went to the repo to start using it. The article provides a tutorial like feel with simple instructions on how to implement this component with multiple examples. Really worth a read.

Four Frameworks to Help You Define Product Metrics

by Anthony MurphyLink to article

If you have checked my published stories you will know that I like two things: Product and metrics. So that is why I saved this article as soon as I read the title.

Anthony Murphy writes very well, with a lot of examples and visuals that make sure that even the most junior of product managers can understand the nuances of measuring product metrics. It is well worth the read and save in your Product Management folder for consultation.

Here is a snipet:

The point is to ensure that any metric you set or decide to track you have a clear understanding of “why” you are tracking it…

That is it for this week. I look forward to discovering more Authors that put in the work and write great content for the rest of us. If you find a great article don't forget to clap and comment, the authors really appreciate it.

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Filipe Rigueiro

Senior Product & Data Analyst. Writing about Product Management, Data, Dashboarding and AI 🇵🇹 🇬🇧 🇳🇱. Buy me a ☕️@